As much as it pained me – I thought it was time to take my Simba’s picture down from my column and put one of the two cats that live out in our house with me. This is Lil’ Darlin’ – I named her that to maybe help give her a better personality. She is, we believe, half domestic cat and half bobcat. She looks pretty much like a domestic cat but she acts totally different than a normal cat. I got her when she was about 7 days old so I had to feed her with a bottle. She loves to play very aggressively so I have tried to limit that so as not to encourage it. But I believe that is her nature. Her big problem is that she loves to eat plastic. I’ve had a couple of cats who would occasionally eat plastic but this one is really like an addiction. I have to keep all plastic out of her reach. She is very loving sometimes. She sleeps with me every night and she won’t get off my bed in the morning until I get up. Even when I was recovering from my knee surgery – she would stay in bed with me until I got up. When I come home from work each day, she gets up on my chest and wants me to hold her and let her sleep for about 30 minutes. If I have to wake her up before that – she gets mad and tries to bite me. Her teeth are very sharp and her tongue is less sandpapery than most cats. Not sure why that is. Anyway – I will be sharing a few pictures of her in this column from time to time – OK - probably every week. We’ll see. I hope you are well and I hope you are following the guidelines for this pandemic: 6 ft. apart, wear a mask when around others. Go to your happy place! See you next week! (Also – next week we will have pictures of the Class of 2020!